44*, mostly sunny. Greens frozen early in the round. Landed approach on both the first and second, yet both bounced hard and rolled off the back. Could have been a much better start. Back to back birds on 5 and 6. 6 was playing 173 yards. Was afraid hybrid would be too much, even in the cold, so then grabbed 4i. Still too much. Then went back to the cart and grabbed a 5 iron. Hit it at the pin, but I didn't think it had enough. Sun in eyes, couldn't see where it landed. But when I got close to the green and out of the glare, it was 4 feet past the pin. It felt 15 yards short. No complaints made the putt for a 2.
Swung pretty well today, despite the cold. Feel ready for Bernie/Mark round tomorrow. Short game was good today. Chipped it close a number of times. Struggled from the hard-packed bunkers. Couldn't seem to find just the right amount of sand to take, because each bunker I was in was different from the one before.
On par 5 13th, was in the large left bunker, pin high, after my 3rd shot. A bit short-sided, I tried to barely get it out. Unfortunately, wedge bounced off the hard-packed sand and it went over the green and into the opposite bunker. Better sand in that one. Put my fifth shot to a foot, saving a bogey.
Hit a summertime drive on 14th. Best of the day. 98 yards to pin. Flew it 1 foot past and it stopped 5 feet past. Easy birdie. NOT! Missed the easy putt. Babied it. Stopped 1/2 inch short.
Happy with the play. Shoulder hung in. Icing now.