del Lago Golf Club
14155 E Via Rancho del Lago
Vail, AZ 85641-9280, United States

Tucson golfers greatly appreciate the natural beauty of a high course that rests at an elevation of 3,400 feet - five degrees cooler than Tucson during the summer.

With 120 feet of elevation change, the club's 1st hole begins at the highest point, then plays down into the valley, coming to the back nine, which runs along Pantano Wash. The course winds its way through the hills and valleys of the high desert, with spectacular and unique views of the backside of the Rincon Mountains and the Santa Catalinas.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$75 - $99
   Weekend:$75 - $99
General Manager:Patrick Carlin
Superintendent:Ken Ford
Guest Policy:open
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bermuda
Driving Range:yes
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker

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Include 9-hole scores Best score per golfer
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  fredbruns - 08/25/2014
The best course within 20 miles of Vail. There are no 2 holes alike and always a great value and in great shape.
  IMgolfergreg - 05/24/2013
Great course and fantastic price on Ezlinks.Com $26.00 per person w/cart.
Often windy in the afternoon. Tee times spaced well and never waiting for group in front. Usually never see other groups...
  M. Rams - 12/01/2012
One of my favorites in the area. Lots of tee boxes to chose from to make it a challenge for everyone.
  Broski3 - 02/15/2012
Very very nice course for the money. And you can't beat desert courses with elevation for sheer beauty.
  RickRussell - 07/04/2013
  Brett Slater - 10/30/2012
  ericsawyer - 07/25/2012
  andyusaf - 06/25/2012
  gpierson1 - 02/26/2012
  spetz - 01/19/2012
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