Nike - Xtreme Sport 2

Xtreme Sport 2

  - Nike
With an incredibly lightweight and durable construction that's built to perform, the Nike® Xtreme Sport IV was designed for dedicated players looking for performance and comfort in their golf bag!
  xidigoj595 - 2/2/25
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  Duke0Hazards - 9/24/12
nice features, but poorly built. legs are flimsy, thin walled tubular steel, support mechanism for legs is poor. staps fray easily and shoulder strap broke after only a few years.
  Carl Greenacre - 1/9/17
  Brian_La_Macchina - 8/9/15
  dwayne_garrison - 4/19/15 - 12/11/14
  graeme926 - 12/16/13
  wbgordon - 6/16/12
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 74
Average Handicap: 13.3
RDowF1oneMikeQuinn2277dreed112DooobdaveianduncsAaron Minorcscbb7bbrooks22carts23bryanikeoliver02CapaluamichelcossetteGTKMLONFOrange_Gdongmingdwayne_garrisoneisele68

Equipment Ratings




