TaylorMade - Tour Daytona Ghost

Tour Daytona Ghost

  - TaylorMade
The TaylorMade Tour Ghost has a golf ball-white finish that stands out against the green grass. There are three easy-to-see black alignment lines and a circular hole that creates a vivid secondary alignment aid. The Pure Roll Titallium Insert promotes forward spin and smooth roll and is a Tour-proven winner of multiple worldwide events. Patent-pending technology produces consistent shots that get the ball in the hole. This putter is the perfect club for your bag.
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Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 250
Average Handicap: 13.1
aggies83pheonix077thomasdmwallbkSkiggyB23SirNickMNIEBUDEKpokercrzyrjqb20busybeeRja1958MaceanoThe ghost123mightywarfTonyBonesbeakerh20dnice88Lo Kaplanrmarroquin1nigel1

Equipment Ratings




